I’m really happy with how far I’ve come in such a short space of time and with everything I have going on in my life.
It’s been a great challenge but through the ups and downs I have thoroughly enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next phase.
I cannot thanks Dillon enough once again for all his support, guidance and knowledge on the transformation. I honestly couldn’t have done it without him.

Prior to coaching with Dillon, I knew I wasn’t in good shape and it was affecting the way I was feeling and performing on a daily basis. I’d been training for a long time and was quite experienced with it but I just wasn’t happy that I getting the results I should have been considering how much and how hard I trained. My 30th birthday was approaching, and I was far away from my goal of being in the best shape possible for it.
In the past I’d struggled with remaining consistent over time. I’d go through periods where I was on it but periods of being overly restrictive were quickly followed by being the complete opposite after I’d mentally break.
My initial concerns were around fitting it all in around my busy work and social life. But Dillon as a coach was really flexible, made the process easy to follow and we ended up working together to get that end result. He kept me from falling off the wagon which had let me down in the past, and kept me accountable to that end result.
I gained a lot of knowledge as well as the obvious physical changes. If anyone is considering working with him, I couldn’t recommend him enough, he’s a brilliant coach. It was definitely a worthwhile investment and the results at the end were way beyond my expectations.

Before coaching with Dillon, I had always done group exercise classes and lots of cardiovascular work at the gym simply because I felt intimidated, lacked confidence and the knowledge on what to do to change my body. I’d really struggled with losing weight and lacked discipline controlling my diet which was admittedly poor, specifically on the weekends.
Not only have we been able to change my body, but I now have a new found confidence both inside and outside of the gym. I finally feel like I’ve achieved something and for the first time I’m so much happier and content with my appearance.
It was clear from the very beginning that Dillon was very knowledgeable, took an avid interest and seriousness about his job and really invested his time and effort into getting me results. As I’m sure he does with others. The 15 week transformation was something that I never thought was achievable.
All thanks to Dillon for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. If you want results, he’s your man!

Prior to working with Dillon, I had been training for over 10 years fairly regularly and maintained a semi decent physique but never seemed to be able to actually grow or get to where I wanted to be. Considering the length of time I had been going to the gym, I’d never really seen any appreciable change to my muscle mass that I was happy with and forever felt like I was doomed with a slim build and a naturally fast metabolism.
Starting with Dillon on day 1 I soon realised I had been doing everything wrong. My technique was pretty awful which meant I was lifting heavier weights but not getting the full benefit at all. We stripped it all back, went back to basics and got the technique sorted before introducing heavier weights again. I felt like I had wasted years!
For my transformation, Dillon guided. me through every step of the way not only as a coach but as a nutritionist, mentor and friend. In the process I managed to build a physique that I was actually proud of and reflected the work I’d put in.
I’d highly recommend hiring Dillon as a coach. There isn’t anything he doesn’t know about the personal training process, just trust what he says and the results will come guaranteed.

In the past I’d really struggled with weight loss and maintaining a healthier bodyweight. I really just wanted to be as I possibly could and maintain it. Before jumping on board with Dillon, I would lose weight, get complacent and then eat my way back up to my starting point.
I would go on diets, lose weight quickly, barely eating enough for someone who does moderate exercise let alone someone as active as I am. Then I would act like I was never going to eat again, go on binges till I felt sick and let it consume my mind. My relationship with food hasn’t been great and I’m still working on this now but knowing how to manage this with Dillon’s support has been amazing.
Dillon has taught me that consistency is key and that you really do get out what you put in. Pushing yourself physically and mentally gives you purpose and real sense of accomplishment, makes you feel proud of yourself and in tune with your body and mind.
My mind was the main thing holding me back from working with Dillon a year ago and I talked myself out of knowing what I could do and achieve. It’s hard to change and it’s human nature to fight against it and easier to stay stuck in your rut where nothing changes.
I feel amazing now and seeing how my body has changed being in the best shape I have ever been in really pushes me to want more and strive to be the best version of myself physically and mentally.
Knowing that I’m capable of more, knowing that it’s me who can get me there, obviously with Dillon’s guidance and support.
For anyone who is debating going with Dillon don’t waste any more time! Sign up now you will not regret it! Make that first step to really wanting to change physically and mentally!
I think if I done it a year ago when I originally enquired where would I be now.

"When coming to Dillon for his online coaching services I wanted to maintain a lean physique whilst building muscle and creating more of a V taper. Dillon took my needs on board and set my nutrition and training up in a style I haven’t experienced before. He took my body fat and leanness to a condition I hadn’t seen before. We also worked on speeding up my metabolism allowing me to eat the most food I’ve ever consumed whilst progressively getting leaner each week all whilst most importantly getting stronger and building muscle.
The 12 week programme was extremely tough but you get what you put in. I’ve learned a lot in the process and achieved what I wanted. Thank you Dillon for your expert services!"

"After training for 6 months on my own and seeing a lack of progress and change in my body, I thought it was time to get some proper guidance and actually make a change.
Working with Dillon taught me the importance of nutrition, and technique when building your physique. Starting with the basics of structuring my diet and training plan focussing on execution we started to build a strong base over a number of years before getting ready to diet. During this time Dillon introduced me to log book tracking and progression with exercises to help me see the progression I’d lacked when training myself.
Throughout my entire transformation, Dillon was there to put my mind at rest when it wandered due to stalling scales and weekly check-ins made sure I stayed on track. Over the period of 11 weeks I built a physique I never thought I’d obtain and be proud of.
His knowledge is unparalleled and I look forward to continue progressing under the guidance of one of the best in the business."

2 YEARS TRANSFORMATION – this is what Harry looked like when we first started

"Before undergoing this transformation, I had a Men’s Health cover body in mind; I knew I wanted to have a nicer body shape, with more muscle and less body fat, but had no idea of the ‘how’ despite having other trainers previously. Most of them would focus on training only but Dillon had very good knowledge on both nutrition and training that could lead to a great transformation.
In the whole process I learnt the right techniques and positions for different exercises, now have a better mind muscle connection, more knowledge about nutrition and on a whole, a much better understanding of my own body. I would recommend Dillon as a trainer!"

"I used to go to the gym by myself consistently but never really saw any changes to my shape, so I looked at a personal trainer. I started training with Dillon with the aim to lose weight but also gain definition and shape to my body and very soon after realised just how much knowledge I lacked when it came to both training and nutrition.
I initially was a little apprehensive when starting as I have an old recurring back injury (slipped disc) that I noticed would flair up when I’d train by myself, which in turn would stop me training due to the debilitating back pain.
Dillon set out training and nutrition with my specific aims in mind and made sure I didn’t give up at all. I lost weight, gained definition, my posture improved greatly and more importantly I was able to get on with daily activities virtually pain free.
The results I got were better than I could have ever expected. Dillon is a great trainer and will get you to your target, even when at times you feel you don’t want to anymore!"

"From two years ago (weighing 104kgs, size 22-24) I actively began to try and lose weight. I had lost weight many times in the past and immediately put it all back on, plus a bit more - the typical cycle of a dieter. As a child I had my metabolism checked and was advised that it was very low – of course there is nothing doctors can do about this. However with exercise and eating regularly I was told you can change this.
I met Dillon at the gym and wondered if he could help me. We met for two hours every week initially– one hour of exercise and one hour of nutritional consulting as I felt this is where I really struggled. The exercise sessions were very tough but enjoyable. Each week we made progressions and the sessions were varied; I never really knew what to expect – and neither did my muscles! Initially we trained the largest muscle groups using full body workouts in an aim to burn the most calories and build muscle in the most time-efficient manner.
The nutritional advice he gave me was excellent. Having been aware of my weight issues for many years I thought I had a fairly good idea of what to eat and what not to eat – after all I had been on many diets over the years. However Dillon’s advice was amazing and as each week progressed I learnt more about food groups and what foods I should focus on. On the weeks where I hadn’t done so well he explained where I was going wrong. He really was there every step of the way, and always at the end of the phone in cases of emergency night-time snacking! Being measured every week or two was also vital. It made me feel that I wasn’t only letting myself down if I hadn’t done so well – I was letting him down too. On the many weeks when I had done well his encouragement pushed me onwards.
There have been some down periods – where the weight just wasn’t shifting, either because I had plateaued or because I really wasn’t trying hard enough with my eating. Each time he was on hand with advice and more importantly moral support. I really felt he was behind me every step of the way.
To now (weighing 67kgs and unbelievably a size 12-14 - better than I had ever hoped). I don’t diet and I’ve told many people that I haven’t been on a diet over the last 2 years. Yes I’ve changed my eating habits but I truly believe I eat more now than I ever have in the past – however it’s the right foods now with a healthy and sustainable balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
I’d like to say it’s been easy, but its always hard changing a lifetime of bad habits. But I can say its been really fun thanks to Dillon’s moral support, guidance and just a little bit of nagging!
I’m still training with him once every week – one of my 3 or 4 sessions in the gym and I’m still watching what I eat and still measuring every week just to make sure I’m behaving.
I’d really like to say a huge thanks – yes I’ve done the hard work, but I’ve had his constant guidance and support which is invaluable."